How to Train for a 5K

A group of people running a 5k race

This article is part of the Running 101 series.

If you’re looking to get off the couch and run your first 5K, crossing the finish line starts with an achievable training program paired with helpful training tips. Completing a 5K race is a great starting goal to push yourself and improve your overall fitness, so our Running Experts teamed up to create a beginner 5K training plan paired with helpful running tips! With this beginner 5K training plan, you’ll be able to tackle 3.1 miles in no time and be well on your way to making running part of your regular exercise routine. 

Please Note: Since running is a high-impact activity, it’s important to consult with your physician before starting any program.

Beginner 5K Training Plan

With our 5K training plan, you don’t have to have any previous running experience. If you have been running, you may need to adjust the plan according to your fitness level.

We structured our 5K training plan to provide intervals of walking and running, gradually building your running endurance. Using interval training like this is especially important when you’re just starting to run to prevent injury and keep you motivated. 

This training plan lasts for 6 weeks and requires you to run for at least 3 days. As the week progresses, you’ll start running for longer periods to be ready to take on the race! If you want to run the whole race, just remember to work on pacing throughout training—slow and steady completes the race.

Training Tip: It’s always okay to walk, especially if you’re training for your first 5K. Remember to start slow and build your way up!

1restrun 1 min.
walk 1 min.
repeat x 10
restrun 2 min.
walk 4 min.
repeat x 5
restrun 2 min.
walk 4 min.
repeat x 5
optional easy 20 min. run
run 3 min.
walk 3 min.
repeat x 4
restrun 3 min.
walk 3 min.
repeat x 4
restrun 5 min.
walk 3 min.
repeat x 3
optional easy 20 min. run
run 7 min.
walk 2 min.
repeat x 3
restrun 8 min.
walk 2 min.
repeat x 3
restrun 8 min.
walk 2 min.
repeat x 3
optional easy 20 min. run
4restrun 8 min.
walk 2 min.
repeat x 3
restrun 10 min.
walk 2 min.
run 5 mins.
restrun 8 min.
walk 2 min.
repeat x 3
optional easy 20 min. run
run 9 min.
walk 1 min.
repeat x 3
restrun 12 min.
walk 2 min.
repeat x 2
run 5min.
restrun 8 min.
walk 2 min.
repeat x 3
optional easy 20 min. run
run 15 min.
walk 1 min.
repeat x 2
restrun 8 min.
walk 2 min.
repeat x 3

rest5k race!

Tips for Training for a 5K

An achievable 5K training plan is the first step to completing your first 5K race, but to ensure you cross the finish line and have fun along the way, our Running Experts share their favorite running tips to keep in mind while training.

  1. Stretch: Spend a few minutes warming up and cooling down with the proper stretches. Stretching before and after you run will prevent injury. 
  2. Hydrate: Throughout your 5K training program, prioritize drinking water. Staying properly hydrated will keep your body feeling refreshed and ready to run.
  3. Sleep: With the increased activity throughout the week, your body needs time to recharge and repair. Make sure to get plenty of sleep each night!
  4. Motivation: Whether it’s finding an accountability partner, listening to music, or tracking your time and distance, there are plenty of ways to stay motivated throughout your training.

Whatever your reason for signing up to run a 5K race, you’ll be equipped to reach the start line with our beginner 5K training plan and tips. Remember: When you cross the finish line, enjoy the moment and be proud of your accomplishment!

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Article By: SCHEELS